



  • 最多有3个pnp开关量输出
  • 自动同步 最多可实现10个传感器的近距离同步工作


  • 2 个或 3个pnp开关量输出
  • 模拟量输出4–20 mA和0–10 V  电流和电压输出可自动切换
  • 检测距离从 30 mm 到 2 m,存在3种检测量程
  • 可以通过pin5来进行microsonic的teach-in 
  • 0.18 mm 分辨率
  • 温度补偿
  • 工作电压 9–30 V
  • LinkControl 可以通过连接电脑来配置传感器参数


The lcs sensors

have a block-like plastic housing with four fixation bores, two of which are already equipped with M4 threaded bushings for eased mounting.

Two or three LEDs

indicate all operating statuses.

Three detection ranges and two output stages are available for selection:

2 pnp switched outputs
3 pnp switched outputs
1 analogue output 4–20 mA and 0–10 V

Via pin 5 at the M12 circular connector,

(Com input), the Ics sensors are set (teach-in): Switched output D1 is set by connecting pin 5 to +UB, while switched output D2 is set by connecting pin 5 to -UB. Also the sensors with analogue output are set via pin 5.

The Ics sensors with switched output offer three operating modes:

  • Single switching point
  • Two-way reflective barrier
  • Window mode

Teach-in of a single switching point

  • Place object to be detected (1) at the desired distance
  • Apply +UB to pin 5 for about 3 seconds
  • Then apply +UB to pin 5 again for about 1 seconds

Teach-in of a switching point

Teach-in of a two-way reflective barrier

with a fixed reflector

  • Apply +UB to pin 5 for about 3 seconds
  • Then apply +UB to pin 5 again for about 10 seconds

Teach-in of a two-way reflective barrier

For configuration of a window

  • Place object at the near edge of the window (1)
  • Apply +UB to pin 5 for about 3 seconds
  • Then move the object to the far edge of the window (2)
  • Then apply +UB to pin 5 again for about 1 seconds

Teach-in of an analogue characteristic or a window with two switching points


and rising/falling analogue characteristic curve can also be set via pin 5.

The analogue sensor

checks the load connected to the output and then automatically switch to 4–20 mA current output or 0–10 V voltage output to ensure maximum ease of handling.

The Ics-25/DDD is equipped with three pnp switched outputs

which are set with the help of the Link-Control adapter LCA-2 (see LCA-2). In addition to this “offline” programming, all Ics sensors can also be parameterised on the PC with the LCA-2 and the Link-Control software.

Sensor connected to the PC via LCA-2 for programming


permits the simultaneous use of multiple mic sensors in an application. To avoid mutual interference, the sensors can be synchronised with one another. To do this, all the sensors are electrically connected on pin 5.

Synchronisation using pin 5