1 x analogue
600 mm
65 - 350 mm
cylindrical M30
analogue distance measurements
archive sensor
stainless steel version
cable connection
stainless steel version
cable connection
echo propagation time measurement
400 kHz
60 mm
350 mm
600 mm
0.36 mm
± 0.15 %
± 1 % (temperature drift internally compensated)
12 - 30 V d.c., reverse polarity protection
± 10 %
≤ 70 mA
4 m PVC cable, 5 x 0.25 mm2
analogue output
current: 4-20 mA / voltage: 2-10 V (at UB ≥ 15 V), short-circuit-proof
switchable rising/falling
current: 4-20 mA / voltage: 2-10 V (at UB ≥ 15 V), short-circuit-proof
switchable rising/falling
70 ms
< 1,500 ms
com input
stainless steel, plastic parts: PBT, TPU
polyurethane foam, epoxy resin with glass contents
IP 65
-20°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C
2 push-buttons + LED display (TouchControl)
LCA-2 with LinkCopy or LinkControl software
2 x three-colour LED
archive sensor
stainless steel version
cable connection
stainless steel version
cable connection
mic-31/IU/HV/M30E/ K4/2-10V